None of the great grandparents are with us anymore. The elders are my dad, his siblings and cousins. One of my dad's brothers, Uncle Bubba just turned 80. It was also his 50th wedding anniversary that weekend. My dad put together a slide show, his son spoke, a famous cousin, Bill Abel, who is a blues singer, put on a little show and there was the traditional cake and punch. The presentation took place Saturday night, after the annual fish fry. It was the largest turn out for a fish fry yet! We love you Uncle Bubba!
I love being part of big family. This year I saw so many examples of the things I want to instill in my kids. A sense of belonging and acceptance. The spiritual heritage that no matter what church you attend, a love of Jesus and trusting in Him is what is important. The laughter and love of being together. These are things I saw. I also saw my mother's servant heart. She cares so much for all of the relatives and works so hard to make the reunion fun and easy for everyone else. I saw the respect and love everyone has for my dad. When he talks, people listen. When he walks in, people smile. His quiet care and concern is evident to all. He shines in our family. I love you Dad! Happy Father's Day!
To see more pictures and memories from this event, visit my sister's blog here.
What a great the knee socks!! I wish we had a close family. You are lucky!!
I want to make your blog one day!!
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